Unplugged Villages
Unplugged Villages
The “Villages of the Unplugged” project
The “Villages of the Unplugged” project
The "Villages of the Unplugged" are huts made of vegetable basketry, created by all and for all.
The goal is that the transmission of gestures of yesteryear, knowledge of the natural environment environment and autonomy are the red thread, that each village of the disconnected is free, easy to access and always expandable, therefore sustainable.
Once the villages have been created, we will connect them by the paths and the river and will organize various workshops there (music, vegetable dye, “survival course”, theatre, etc).
Everyone can also go there spontaneously for an hour, a night, several days and the huts can be constantly improved, fitted out, embellished,… they are for everyone!
The “Unplugged Villages” are built thanks to the partnership between several Viroinval associations, including:
• The Viroin Ecomuseum
• The Municipality of Viroinval, via the Free Time Reception
• The Viroin-Hermeton Natural Park
• The Town Planning Office of the Arrondissement of Philippeville
• The Museum of Small Format Contemporary Art
• The Viroinval PCS
• The Viroinval Youth Center
• Le Relais Verlaine
• The Chantecler center in Oignies
• The Naturalist Circles of Belgium
• And many Viroinvalois!
Come join us for an hour, a day, a weekend, to learn the technique of basketry, to be able to transmit it then and take advantage of ce wonderful time together!
Birth of the project
Birth of the project
“Recently engaged in the Ecomuseum of Viroin, I could see that the inhabitants of the area, in particular the young people, feel very distant from museum institutions. They are interested in their region but from une particular way and know it less and less, feel less and less close to these.
In addition, the individualization, the increase in road traffic, the public space which is being privatized are probably as many reasons to no longer “live together outside”.
Speaking with the young people, I realize that they nevertheless regret that, they want activities, discoveries, encounters, surprises and knowledge. The same desire exists in les residents of the Red Cross Center in Oignies.
Moreover, still discussing with them, it seems to me that the imagination of children and young people, les ideas they may have sometimes find no ground to be developed, no ear to be heard. They don't always feel welcome, they lose self-confidence.
The sense of the collective disappears, everyone being permanently connected.
The history of their village, of their region, the transmission of gestures are unknown to them because never taught. Creativity, overflowing imagination and without taboos are fortunately encouraged by many actors, but there are never too many! »
Odile Bayot, animator at the Viroin Ecomuseum
Hence the idea of encouraging meetings outside, of transmitting know-how presented to museums but never or too little “experienced”, leaving the walls of the farm castle and institutions, to create a space with them, natural and in direct connection with
around us, to initiate a more vivid knowledge of its environment et above all, working together, pooling vital forces.
For more info: animation@ecomuseeduviroin.be
/ 060 39 96 24